


Charlie is well aware that in these times, society doesn't think Dads can do housework and frown on men doing the cooking or ironing. In all likelihood a family without a mother has the potential for abuse, presence of alcohol or unsupervised children up to no good and becoming a threat to the neighborhood.  Charlie is also aware that the State of New York social services will jump at the chance to "protect" these children by moving them to foster homes or an orphanage. 

Charlie began looking for a housekeeper to care for the family when school is out and he is at work.  The "gang" is a handful for sure; Mrs Left, the first housekeeper that he hired, is fired after less than a week.  Charlie eventually hires Mrs. Pettis who seems to have the necessary qualifications and while things initially seemed to be working fairly well, there is a lot of resentment apparent with the older boys. While Mrs. Pettis is smiling and pleasant when Dad is there, she changes to a "mirror, mirror on the wall" personality when he leaves, frequently abusing in words and/or actions.


One evening the door bell rings and Agent Brown from the State of New York social services introduces herself.  Agent Brown says she is sorry to hear about Mother's death and that Social Services would like to hear Mr. Finnigan's plans as far as care for the children, especially after school and during summer vacations. Charlie tells her he has hired a housekeeper and explains the help that the church and friends have volunteered.  Mrs. Brown seemed unimpressed, indicates she will be filing a report on the situation and leaves the house.    

During the ensuing weeks there is evidence of an ongoing battle between Mrs. Pettis and the boys. And it isn't long before the boys come up with a plan to get rid of her.  Against strict instruction that the boys are not to leave the premises without Dad's specific approval, Mrs. Pettis makes the mistake of letting the boys talk her into a shopping trip to Bailey Avenue!  When Charlie arrives home that night, Mrs. Pettis confesses that she had organized a trip...  "and when the bus stopped the children ran in all directions leaving me behind."  

The boys tell a  different story  "when we got off the bus Mrs. Pettis was nowhere to be found, so we crossed the street and took the next bus back home".  It was obvious that Mrs. Pettis is not up to the job from several aspects and so she is fired. Mrs. Bellnap will take over only to face a similar demise.  Charlie's concern about State Social Services just got bigger.